Women: Lucrative Consumer Segment
A recent article in Maine Today (http://business.mainetoday.com/story.php?id=153263&ac=PHbiz) confirms what we here at Woman-Centric Matters have been saying all along: women are one of the most lucrative consumer segments in the country, particularly those beyond the age the marketers seem to think are best -the hard-to-reach 18-34 year old demographic. Continued research by a variety of sources shows that the Boomers and those about 10 years before are savvy, active, health and affluent. They know what they want and they have the smarts and the money to go after it. The question is: Do companies have the smarts to recognize this under-served market and give them what they want they WAY they want it?
What do they want? Respect (don't EVER talk down to her!). Credible opinions from others (trustworthy word of mouth, family, friends, coworkers). Information (benefits to her AND others – not just “me”, but also “we perspective, how-to, differences). Service (pay attention to her! ...including looking her in the eye, taking time to anticipate and answer her questions in non-jargon terms, providing clean restrooms – indeed, clean everything). Time (don't rush her – don't come on strong to close the sale, maintain your patience and absolute credibility – if she trusts you, she'll be your customer for life AND tell others).
What's important to YOU when you shop? Let us know!
Don't pressure me to make a decision. That has always been a huge turn off for me when the sales person seems to make me feel like I have to do it now. My boyfriend and I have a strict policy on major purchases, always sleep on it. We never give in to the temptation of buying now.
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