Flowers and Chocolate
Good news for women on Valentine's Day:
Men continue to be the primary spenders when it comes to splurging on gifts for Valentine's Day," said Tracy Mullin, National Retailers Federation President and CEO. "With males spending significantly more this year than females, men may be looking at Valentine's Day as a way to make up for that HD-TV they splurged on for the Super Bowl."
Not that women are cheap or anything, but the NRF report says, "Men have historically been the big spenders when it comes to Valentine's Day and this year is no exception. According to the survey, the average male is expected to spend $156.22, nearly double the $85.08 that the average female will spend. Flowers remain a popular holiday gift, with 58.3 percent of men planning to buy their sweetie some type of flower (vs. 52.3% in 2006). Men will also be showering their loved ones with cards (56.7%), candy (42.9%), an evening out (53.1%), and jewelry (27.6%).
I will eagerly await my flowers and chocolates. :)
Funny, the story doesn't mention how much women spend on time at the spa or salon to get ready for those evenings out (or gym memeberships to work off those cholocates!).
Traditionally women spend more time researching online and offline for sales and willing to spend more time waiting in line for a good sale. So maybe this story shows that women are savy buyers and not late minute shoppers!
Well I say it is a well earned treat for women to get something nice on Valentine's Day. Women usually are the ones planning and doing all of the work on SuperBowl Sunday, Father's Day, July 4th bbq and birthday parties. It is nice to have at least one day (other than our birthday's and if you are lucky, Mother's Day) to be treated special.
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