Woman-Centric Matters

Visit our home on the web: www.womancentricmatters.com Taking a woman-centric approach means designing everything from her perspective: * The actual product or service * Her experiences using it * Marketing * Etc. At its core is understanding female customers. In addition, woman-centric approaches are rooted in a keen appreciation for how women differ from men in their purchase decision process, as well as insights into why they buy.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Women Get A Kick Out of Football

Though actual numbers have not been released yet, the NFL estimated that women made up 40 million of the 90 million fans tuned in to yesterday’s Super Bowl game. Today’s Chicago Tribune reports that in a Harris Poll taken this past fall, NFL pro football came out on top as the spectator sport most favored by women, exceeding the percentages of pro baseball, basketball and NASCAR combined.

To read the whole Chicago Tribune article, visit http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-0702030099feb03,1,6887849.story?coll=chi-news-hed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a big football fan but I love the Superbowl! It is one of the only times of the year when I can go to a movie and find a decent parking spot and watch it in peace and quiet! Also while the game is on, no one is at the grocery store or laundry mat. You can get a lot done during those hours!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Women are more involved in sports than the main stream media gives us credit for! We are pro-sports fans and we also love playing the sport. I personally watch NFL, NHL and can out-talk most of my male co-workers when it comes to baseball. Just because I love the thrill of the game, doesn't make me less of a fan or a woman!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit that my friends and I get together to watch the ads on SuperBowl Sunday vs. the actual game. We turn down the sound while the game is on and use that time to socialize and eat some great party food!


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