Woman-Centric Matters

Visit our home on the web: www.womancentricmatters.com Taking a woman-centric approach means designing everything from her perspective: * The actual product or service * Her experiences using it * Marketing * Etc. At its core is understanding female customers. In addition, woman-centric approaches are rooted in a keen appreciation for how women differ from men in their purchase decision process, as well as insights into why they buy.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Is It Nap Time Yet?

National Sleep Foundation has found that 60 percent of American women are sleepy. They didn’t need to do a study to learn that. They could have just asked me. But their study did come up with some interesting facts. For instance, according to their findings, working mothers (at 72 percent) and single working women (at 68 percent) are the two highest groups of women to feel sleepy during the day and to experience insomnia at night. To fight the desire to head back to bed for a well-earned nap, 65 percent of the sleepy gals consume caffeinated beverages, with 37 percent of all women drinking three or more cups of coffee or equivalent caffeinated drinks such as colas. Also, the study shows that women are more likely to experience sleep problems than men.

This lack of sleep is adversely affecting a woman’s quality of life. When pressed for time, one-half of the women in the NSF study responded that sleep (52 percent) and exercise (48 percent) are the first things they sacrifice. A mere 20 percent of women responded that they would choose to put work on the back burner when they’re sleepy or running short on time.

As for me, a nap sounds pretty good right now.

You can read the press release from the National Sleep Foundation at:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleep is often the number one thing I sacrifice when it comes to my schedule. Between balancing work and home, it is very hard for me to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night. I am lucky if I get 5-6!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to get my 8 hours of sleep a night or otherwise my whole day suffers! I make sure that no matter what is going on in my life, I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It just not worth being cranky and less productive in other areas of my life because I didn't take the time to take care of myself.


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