Female Majority on Interent

eMarketer, a leading market research firm with a focus on the Web, estimates that there will be approximately 97.2 million female Internet users ages 3 and older in 2007, or 51.7% of the total online population. In 2011, 109.7 million US females will go online, amounting to 51.9% of the total online population.
Not only do females make up the majority of Internet users, but more of the female population goes online. This year, an estimated 66.2% of US females ages 3 and older will use the Internet at least once a month, compared with 64.2% of males, according to eMarketer. By 2011, 72.1% of females are expected to go online, vs. 69.3% of males.
To read more about these findings and the results from other sources such as Arbitron, Mediamark, Nielsen and Harris Interactive, go to: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?1004775
97.2 million female Internet users ages 3 and older in 2007, or 51.7% of the total online population
3 and older! Wow! It blows my mind how tech savvy the next generation is. We were just starting to use computers when I was in college!
This is an interesting fact! My husband always tells me that I spend too much time on the computer. But it is the handiest tool around the house! I use it to find coupons for groceries, email family photos and I have the best score in solitare! More women should use this underrated tool!
I grew up with computers so it is hard for me to think about not using them on a daily basis. Between my black berry, laptop and work system, I am constantly "logged in" to what is happening in the world. And I would not want it any other way!
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