Woman-Centric Builders in the News
Our mother company, Design Basics, and two of our Woman-Centric Matters (http://www.womancentricmatters.com) licensees were mentioned in the November 2007 issue of Builder News magazine. The article, titled *Gaining Your Buyer’s Trust and Keeping Her Happy*, makes the statement, “smart builders these days are taking a new approach when it comes to training their sales people”. The article goes on to say that builders who don’t pay attention to the women homebuyers are “going to lose, especially given the current state of affairs in the industry”.
Design Basics (http://www.designbasics.com) is the leading home plan design firm in America. In the Builder News article, Design Basics President, Linda Reimer explains that after inviting female consumers to analyze our floor plans, the team at Design Basics learned that women look at floor plans through four lenses: how the home entertains, how it reduces stress, its flexibility and its storage capacity.
Jerry Standerford, General Manager of Sherwood Homes in Omaha (http://www.sherwoodhomesomaha.com) –one of the first Woman-Centric Matters builders in the country, said in the article that the downturn in the housing market has given him the opportunity to further develop the woman-centric approach. He states that the ringing telephone is a measurable result showing the success of his efforts and Sherwood Homes commitment to the woman-centric way of doing business.
Julie LaTerra of Julie LaTerra Homes (http://www.julielaterrahomes.com) in Charlotte, North Carolina, is another Woman-Centric Matters licensee mentioned in the article. Julie’s woman-centric approach focuses on offering exceptional personal attention to each and every homebuyer and limitless options and incentives. The article quotes Julie, “..the woman-centric approach has really helped us to understand how our clients think.
”To read the complete article, visit: http://www.buildernewsmag.com/viewnews.pl?id=787
Labels: Charlotte, design basics, home plans, Linda Reimer, Nebraska, North Carolina, Omaha, woman-centric