Woman-Centric Matters

Visit our home on the web: www.womancentricmatters.com Taking a woman-centric approach means designing everything from her perspective: * The actual product or service * Her experiences using it * Marketing * Etc. At its core is understanding female customers. In addition, woman-centric approaches are rooted in a keen appreciation for how women differ from men in their purchase decision process, as well as insights into why they buy.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Inside Scoop on Outdoor Shopping

Apparently the latest thinking is that women prefer a more traditional downtown-style mall –or “lifestyle mall”, as it is being called now – over shopping in climate-controlled indoor malls ...the very same things that replaced the traditional downtown areas as the most popular place to shop.

At least that’s what today’s USA Today is reporting. The article states, “The centers have proved so popular that some leading mall developers vow they'll never build an enclosed mall again. Of the 10 large regional shopping centers scheduled to open from 2006 to 2008, only one has a roof.”

The article offers this “expert” comment: “It's so simple, it's genius," says Mark Zygmontowicz, a managing director at MapInfo, which does location analysis and research for retailers. "I have a grand appreciation for these lifestyle centers."

Commenting on the appeal to women, USA Today says:

“Even malls that don't remodel to become lifestyle centers are taking a cue from their more laid-back shopping center siblings. Laura Pomerantz, a founding principal at PBS Realty, says more malls are adding comfortable seating areas to give people more of a reason to stick around — or at least make them more comfortable while they do so. ‘They're recognizing that lifestyle centers are attracting the women to hang out,’ says Pomerantz, who helps retailers including Tory Burch and Donald Pliner find real estate. ‘The couches and chairs are a trend in reaction to the lifestyle centers.’”

There’s a link to a listing of these new “lifestyle centers”. Oddly, for this being such a new idea, the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City is also listed. It opened in 1923. It’s a wonderful place to go during the holidays, but with its unique architecture and interesting boutiques and eateries, it’s more of a destination than a true “lifestyle center”.

But aside from the Plaza in KC, I’ve tried the open-air shopping from Maryland to Nebraska – it was a novelty and had a few stores I wanted to check out. But for my money, nothing beats a regular climate-controlled mall for true shopping – particularly on these freezing cold days, in rainy weather, or on a blazing hot summer afternoon.

What’s your opinion?

To read the article in USA Today go to:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Flowers and Chocolate

Good news for women on Valentine's Day:

Men continue to be the primary spenders when it comes to splurging on gifts for Valentine's Day," said Tracy Mullin, National Retailers Federation President and CEO. "With males spending significantly more this year than females, men may be looking at Valentine's Day as a way to make up for that HD-TV they splurged on for the Super Bowl."

Not that women are cheap or anything, but the NRF report says, "Men have historically been the big spenders when it comes to Valentine's Day and this year is no exception. According to the survey, the average male is expected to spend $156.22, nearly double the $85.08 that the average female will spend. Flowers remain a popular holiday gift, with 58.3 percent of men planning to buy their sweetie some type of flower (vs. 52.3% in 2006). Men will also be showering their loved ones with cards (56.7%), candy (42.9%), an evening out (53.1%), and jewelry (27.6%).

I will eagerly await my flowers and chocolates. :)

Have You Placed Your Order Yet?

You know it's a good cause. And besides, who can resist the innocent faces of the Girl Scouts or their yummy cookies? I ordered a dozen boxes of Girl Scout Cookies a couple of weeks ago. But for those of you who haven't gotten order in yet, fear not! The Girl Scouts have gone high-tech in cookie sales. Their new website www.girlscoutcookies.org will help you quickly locate a place in your area to purchase cookies. Plus, they now have a spot on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/GirlScoutCookieSale .

"By creating a one-stop online destination with information about every council that sells one of America's favorite treats, we believe it will be easier than ever to enjoy a quality product while supporting girls and young women throughout the country," says Kathy Cloninger, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA. "This annual, voluntary activity teaches girls essential financial skills they will use their entire lives. We're proud that the Girl Scout Cookie Program has become the nation's premier business and economic literacy program and believe this online initiative will truly strengthen the program and result in a successful 2007 sale."

Monday, January 29, 2007

Today's News: Saks "New" Demographic

The new ideal demographic for Saks 5th Avenue is 35-55 year old wealthy women, according to an article in today’s Washington Post. That particular group of shoppers makes up 60 to 70 percent of Sak’s clientele.

The Post article says, “Chief executive Steve Sadove has made it clear that he wants to cater to wealthy women between the ages of 35 and 55 with classic tastes. The chain has suffered something of an identity crisis over the past few years, veering between edgy young shoppers and older traditionalists. That confused customers, and market share diminished.”

The article talks about the petite section and various woman-centric features of the store....but without saying “woman-centric”. It gives the impression, though, that no matter “edgy young shoppers” or those with “classic tastes”, Saks is definitely female-oriented.

To read the whole article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/26/AR2007012601632.html?nav=rss_business

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Woman-Centric Builder in NC

Sparkes Construction from Asheville, North Carolina, issues the following press release:

Sparkes Construction Co. Inc. named exclusive Woman-Centric™ builder for 6 North Carolina counties.

"How will this home specifically serve the needs of the woman of the house?"

"How will this stage of home construction create a healthier home for her family?"

"Will our construction techniques and materials provide her with a home that will provide enjoyment, convenience and satisfaction for years to come?"

These are but a few of the questions that help Sparkes Construction Co. Inc. maintain a woman-centric perspective throughout each homebuilding project.

Owner David Sparkes wife, Kimberly, who co-owns the company, helps him pick woman-centric home plans and does most of the decorating and selections. "We may spend a month and a half just choosing the perfect plan for a property. Once I get the home framed, Kimberly's on her way to multiple design shops, working with our suppliers around town. She gets the colors and materials together, then she gives me a list and I go forward with finishing the house's interior. Kimberly also home schools our two daughters (ages 5 and 12), manages our rental properties and is earning her real estate license."

"We are honored to to be chosen as woman-centric homebuilder in North Carolina."

Friday, January 26, 2007

Lion Submits to Loving Wife

"The lion eventually let go and, with blood on its snout, stood staring at the woman. She screamed and waved the log until the animal walked away." It wasn't a burly weight-lifting young thing who made the mountain lion back down. It was a 65-year-old lady who will be celebrating her 50th wedding anniversary next month, and she was saving the life of the man she loves.

A news piece on MSNBC explains that Nell and Jim Hamm, experienced hikers, were hiking in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California when the lion pounced on Jim. According to the article, Nell said, "Jim was talking to me all through this, and he said, 'I've got a pen in my pocket and get the pen and jab him in the eye,'" Nell continued, "So I got the pen and tried to put it in his eye, but it didn't want to go in as easy as I thought it would." MSNBC stated that when the pen became bent and no longer useable, Nell went back to using the log and successfully stunned the lion with her attack, making the lion give up her beloved Jim.

Never underestimate the life-long love of a brave woman.

The complete article can be found at: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16817149/?GT1=8921

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Today's News: Nissan "Gets It"

According to today's edition of MediaPost's Marketing Daily, Nissan "gets it" about the importance of marketing to women. The article says, "INFINITI, THE LUXURY DIVISION OF Japanese automaker Nissan, plans to increase its marketing budget by 20% this year and focus on women consumers for its new small crossover vehicle and G coupe, says Vice President of Marketing Jan Thompson."

Nissan just finished an ethnographic study of women. The article quotes Thompson about the findings of the study and the reason for Nissan's new approach, "We found that women really want to understand the brand. They want to know what it will do for them and what to expect from the brand. If they don't know that, they may not be willing to take the time to search a brand out." She states that Nissan needs to find ways to be "contextually relevant to women, which is different than the way we speak to male consumers."

Thompson stated that the company plans on reaching out to women via the internet and magazines.

To read the full article, visit http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showArticleHomePage&art_aid=54373

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Women Hunters

Apparently the women in Iowa are packing heat, but are doing it for sporting purposes. According to Iowa's Quad City Online says, "Iowa is following a national trend as female hunters are taking to the field in increasing numbers, while the numbers of their male counterparts have decreased." The news article goes on to say, "A recent survey conducted by the National Sporting Goods Association for the National Shooting Sports Foundation reported a 72 percent increase nationally from 2001 to 2005 in women hunting with firearms."

To learn more about this fascinating trend, read the full article at: http://qconline.com/archives/qco/display.php?id=323949&query=women%20hunters

Monday, January 22, 2007

Courting Fitness

It may seem like such a dark-ages way to be, but it really wasn't all that long ago that women were told that playing basketball isn't "ladylike". Times have definitely changed, and today women on the mature side of life are making up for lost time on the basketball courts, according to an article in today's Eagle-Tribune in North Andover, MA.

The article tells about Jewell Chapman, a 62-year-old grannie who plays for the Hot Pink Grannies, a team who's uniform includes black bloomers and hot pink socks. The article says, "Nearly 50 years later, Chapman is back on the court. She's 62 and plays for the Hot Pink Grannies, joining about 10 other women on a team whose uniforms are black bloomers and hot pink socks. They play in the Iowa Granny Basketball League.

The article goes on to explain, "It's one of dozens of basketball leagues for women over 50 that have sprung up across the country. For some, it's an opportunity to exercise and socialize; for others, it's a once-denied chance to compete."

"You see more and more senior women's teams participating in state and national competitions, and more recreational leagues," said Michael Rogers, an associate professor in sports studies at Wichita State University. "In the future, it will be commonplace to have leagues like this."

According to the Eagle-Tribune, "Annual surveys by the National Sporting Goods Association indicate the number of women 55 and older who play basketball at least 50 times a year has grown from 16,000 in 1995 to nearly 131,000 a decade later.Groups are scattered through much of the country, including California, Connecticut, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C."

To read the entire article, go to http://www.eagletribune.com/pulife/local_story_022120323?keyword=secondarystory

Friday, January 19, 2007

Size Really Does Matter

There are times in life when size definitely matters. Angie’s List, an internet-based consumer rating service, reports the following about responses to a recent survey of their users:

47% of Angie’s List respondents said their home is less than 2,000 square feet

7% reported that their home is more than 4,000 square feet

63% believe their home is just the right size

62% want to downsize in order to have time for things other than their home. Other reasons for wanting to downsize include high utility costs (53%), an empty nest (50%), and wasted space (49%).

Angie also reports that since 1950 the average home in America has more than doubled in size, measuring about 2,434 today. .

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Is It Really Junk Mail?

I always viewed advertisements in my mailbox as "junk mail" rather than seeing it as "direct mail". Apparently, others prefer this form of marketing. An article appearing today on www.dmnews.com has the interesting headline of "Direct mail read by 32 percent more women ages 25-44 than email." The article further says the results of a study shows that "Eighty-five percent of women ages 25 to 44 read printed direct mail marketing pieces, despite the influx of electronically generated advertisements throughout the past decade."

Since I'm a coupon fan from way back (and basically cheap at heart), I thought this was an interesting stat: "Seventy-two percent of total adults surveyed said they have replied to direct mail containing a "buy one, get one free" offer. Additionally, 63 percent of all adults indicated the have responded to direct mail collateral offering a percentage discount on merchandise, up from 54 percent in 2005."

It may be junk mail", but give me a bargain, and I'll take the bait.

The entire article can be found here: http://www.dmnews.com/cms/trackback/39713-1

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Biking Grannies

According to today's Philadelphia Inquirer, "One in 10 motorcycle owners is a woman, the Motorcycle Industry Council reports. Between 1998 and 2003, the number of female motorcycle owners grew 36 percent, from 467,400 to 635,000."

The article quotes Lynn Nathan, a 63 year old biker chick from West Chester, PA: "Riding well at your level of skill and the performance of the bike requires Zen-like concentration," she says. "It's therapy, it's freeing, not just because of the wind in your face and all that stuff, but because your mind is in another place. Motorcycling is... 90 percent mental. That's why I love it."

The article also says, "'Women are fascinated by the accoutrements,' says Marc Fasten, sales manager at the dealership and Lynn Nathan's son. 'We sell $400 helmets because they're gorgeous and match the bike.'Sales of cycles and gear to women have risen 20 percent over the last year, Fasten says, and the sales staff is trained to regard every woman who walks through the door as a knowledgeable potential customer.'"

Read more of the article at: http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/states/pennsylvania/counties/montgomery_county/16462015.htm

Friday, January 12, 2007

Don't Throw Away Old Cell Phones

If Santa got you a new cell phone for Christmas, don’t throw your old one out! Radio host and technology guru, Kim Kommando recently featured some great “Tip of the Day” advice in response to a question that was posed to her about what to do with cell phones when we upgrade to a newer model:

“On average, cell phones are upgraded every 18 months. And practically everybody carries one these days.

The number of discarded cell phones quickly adds up. Like other electronics, cell phones contain all kinds of toxic materials. So the landfill is no place for them.

You can probably make a couple of bucks off your phone on eBay. But for most people, that is too much of a hassle.

A better route is to recycle your phone. As this reader points out, domestic abuse shelters will be happy to have your old cell phone.

They give them to women who are in dangerous situations. That way, they always have access to 911 help. Although there is no service on old phones, they still can reach 911 operators.

Other charitable organizations also may be able to use your phone. Check with local charities.

Also, check with your wireless carrier. Many have partnered with organizations that recycle phones. They can make sure your phone goes to a worthwhile cause.

So, before you put your phone on eBay—or worse, throw it away—think about donating it. It might be an outdated piece of plastic to you, but it can be a valuable asset to someone in need.”

Thanks, Kim!
Kim Komando, America's Digital Goddess

Thursday, January 04, 2007


January 4, 2007


Design Basics of Omaha, NE, one of the country’s leading experts in woman-centric marketing, announces today the open call for applications for the newly formed Woman-Centric Matters National Advisory Panel. The request for applicants is going all across the US in an effort to obtain a cross-section of American women who can offer regular input and advice. Design Basics anticipates the Woman-Centric Matters National Advisory Panel will help transform and define the practices and offerings of Design Basics, as well as enhance the educational component of Woman-Centric Matters, a licensing program and educational platform for the building industry and other businesses that want to tap into the tremendous buying power of women. Those interested in learning more about the Woman-Centric Matters National Advisory Panel or wishing to receive an application can contact Linda Reimer at Woman-Centric Matters at 800-947-7526.

About Woman-Centric Matters:

Woman-Centric Matters, a division of Design Basics, is a unique licensing program and education platform that teaches businesses how to become remarkable by transforming their attitudes and practices based on the woman’s perspective. Support for licensees includes specialized training, protected territory, custom branding opportunities, print marketing materials, custom editions of Her Home magazine, advertising and signage, customer satisfaction surveys, home plan redesigns, and new home plans using Livability at a Glance™, Design Basics method of developing home plans that address the four main lenses through which women evaluate homes.

When asked if this is an extension of the feminist movement, company president, Linda Reimer, gives an emphatic “no”, and points out that there has been plenty of positive feedback from men too. Reimer says, “There’s no hidden agenda here. It’s about being smart. When home plans reflect a woman’s perspective, or really when any business is conducted with a woman’s point of view in mind, it just makes sense. So it’s no surprise that men appreciate a woman-centric approach too.”

It all began in mid-air on a flight back to Omaha in January 2003. Reimer, was reading an article in Forbes magazine about the impact of female consumers. Reading that article was what Reimer calls her “ah ha moment”. She reasoned that if females are making most of the purchases, then that includes homes. Women were the target market for home builders, and therefore, must be the target market for Design Basics. It was a revolutionary thought, transforming the company.

Female buyers directly purchase or have a controlling influence in the purchase of 91% of all new homes (Smith-Dahmer Associates, NAHB IBS) and make 83% of all consumer purchases (Business Week).

Woman-Centric Matters currently has over 30 participants in the following markets: Omaha, NE, Yuma, AZ, Colchester, CT, Manchester, CT, Jacksonville, FL, Kellogg, IA, Deer Creek, IL, Greenfield, IN, Merrillville, IN, McPherson, KS, Huntington, MA, Berrien Springs, MI, Grand Rapids / Grandville, MI, Detroit / Ann Arbor, MI, Saginaw, MI, Linn Creek, MO, Asheville, NC, Charlotte, NC, Raleigh-Durham, NC, Kearney, NE, Akron, OH, Canton, OH, New Castle, PA, and Washington, UT

About Design Basics:
Design Basics, the nation’s largest home plan design service to the building industry, designs and markets plans for single-family homes through catalogs, newsstand magazines and home building industry publications.

Contacts for the Media:

Linda Reimer, Design Basics
Toll-Free: 800-947-7526Omaha local: 402-331-9223
Email: lreimer@womancentricmatters.com

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