Woman-Centric Matters

Visit our home on the web: www.womancentricmatters.com Taking a woman-centric approach means designing everything from her perspective: * The actual product or service * Her experiences using it * Marketing * Etc. At its core is understanding female customers. In addition, woman-centric approaches are rooted in a keen appreciation for how women differ from men in their purchase decision process, as well as insights into why they buy.

Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Business Resolutions for Women

A website aimed at women who want to start and grow their own businesses has launched a new Business Resolutions Program to help women achieve their New Year's Resolutions. "The IndieBizChicks.com Guide To: Business Resolutions To Make It Great In '08" is a guide and motivational tool for women who are ready to set and achieve their goals. For more information, visit http://www.indiebizchicks.com

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Friday, December 28, 2007

Home Color Ideas

Woman-Centric Matters is the brainchild of Design Basics, the largest home plan design firm in America and a leading expert in marketing to women. In addition to home plans and marketing, we also publish Her Home magazine, which gives a wealth of helpful information about all-things home-related. So in addition to sharing facts and figures about the economic power of women and companies that "get it", I thought I would use this blog to share home tips with you. Let me know what you think!

Defining living areas in today’s open floor plans can be quite a challenge. Do you paint each area a different color, or opt for one color fits all? Josette Buisson, artistic director with Pittsburgh Paints says, “The law is that everything has to have a link and a flow.” Buisson continues, “There’s a main color and then lighter shades.” She advocates the 60:30:10 rule. Use 60 percent of one color, 30 percent of another and 10 percent of an accent color.

Jessica Gordon, color specialist and owner of Interior Artistry in Seattle, suggests choosing one color for the most public spaces and altering the shades in adjacent areas. “Keep the hallways and stairs one shade,” she says. “And only totally change color if you have good cut-off points like a soffit or a door between the living and dining rooms.”

Buisson likes to pick up the accent color (the 10 percent) and repeat it in an adjacent area. “If the living room has an accent color and you can see the kitchen from there, you might paint the entire kitchen in that color.”

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Beat the Holiday Blues!

I saw this great advice from Female Facts http://www.maddoxsmye.com/ff/ff.cfm?fact=136&u=173546 and couldn't wait to share it with you! As we head into the final countdown before the Big Day, these few ideas may actually help you make this the BEST Holiday Season ever! We hope so anyway! ...Best wishes from Melissa at Woman-Centric Matters!

Blue Genes?

Holiday blues. That's what overcame her. Happy, well adjusted people experience this phenomenon. It used to be that at this time of year, everyone was imbued with the festive, holiday spirit. Of course, that was before people trampled each other in pre-dawn hours to grab bargains in big-box stores, worked 70-hour workweeks, and their kids sabotaged their moods screaming "Wiiiiiii" rather than "wheee!"

Horror! Did we say kids sabotage cheery moods? We should be channeling Norman Rockwell images in our minds, but the fact is, people who don't have children have less holiday depression than parents. If you're a parent, we know you understand...your kids don't want just any toy. It's a specific toy, probably expensive, brand-name, electronic, and is sold out in every store on the Planet. Enough said.

The biggest cause of holiday blues, though, (and we're not talking clinical depression but temporary stress, fatigue, or mild sadness associated with this time of year) is expectation. You expect to have a great time at the office party, but it's a bust, and you feel let down. You hear a beloved carol from childhood in your car as you're driving home, you start to sing along, and you choke up. Christmas present has never quite measured up to your memories of Christmas past. That's holiday blues.

Women are susceptible, but please, this isn't "female sentimentality"! As if working and caretaking (both kids and the elderly) aren't enough to cause stress, women take on the majority of holiday planning, including decorating, shopping, baking/cooking, wrapping, card-writing, etc. They stuff all this into their already-overscheduled agenda. And money problems affect men and women, as do family issues. Men, in fact, suffer more over the loss of a loved one at this time. And for both, an obnoxious family member can make the holidays miserable ("I know you love your uncle, but he's eating everything in the frig...") So, how do you cope?

"Escaping" to work and its routine can actually help. You can share your emotions with a trusted friend or colleague. As for expectations, make them reasonable—think about it: does everything have to be perfect? Do your best and be satisfied, and don't accept responsibilities you can't handle. Say "no." Then, ten things you can do to minimize the holiday blues:

1. eat normally and regularly
2. get plenty of sleep
3. exercise regularly
4. organize your time, make lists, and prioritize
5. make a budget, stick to it, and don't go into debt
6. let go of the past
7. allow time 15 min. a day, for yourself
8. limit alcohol consumption
9. focus not on what you don't have but on positives
10. spend time with people who care about you; or volunteer, do something for others

If you're blues-free, count your blessings and be compassionate with a not-so-lucky colleague. Remember that family dynamics are pretty complicated, and this is the most stressful time of the year. You might suggest a brisk walk after work, (better than a stiff drink), or offer to answer the phone, giving your colleague that much-needed 15 minutes of quiet time. Remember, there's no proof of a blue gene, which means you're not immune. Next year, your house guest could be eating everything in the frig, and you could find yourself with a bad case of the holiday blues.

Sources: "Holiday Blues are Common, but can be Eased, Experts Report," Newswise Social and Behavioral Sciences News, Middle Tennessee State University, 11/20/06. "What are Holiday Blues?" "Do's and Don'ts to Manage Holiday Blues," University of Maryland Medical Center. "How to Not Let Holiday Blues Color Your Job: Seasonal Depression and Anxiety can Seriously Affect Job Performance," MSNBC.com, Eve Tahmincioglu, 12/16/07. "Feeling the Holiday Blues? You Must have Children: Study Finds Parenthood Does Not Make People Happier," ConsumerAffairs.com, 12/22/05.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Women: Lucrative Consumer Segment

A recent article in Maine Today (http://business.mainetoday.com/story.php?id=153263&ac=PHbiz) confirms what we here at Woman-Centric Matters have been saying all along: women are one of the most lucrative consumer segments in the country, particularly those beyond the age the marketers seem to think are best -the hard-to-reach 18-34 year old demographic. Continued research by a variety of sources shows that the Boomers and those about 10 years before are savvy, active, health and affluent. They know what they want and they have the smarts and the money to go after it. The question is: Do companies have the smarts to recognize this under-served market and give them what they want they WAY they want it?

What do they want? Respect (don't EVER talk down to her!). Credible opinions from others (trustworthy word of mouth, family, friends, coworkers). Information (benefits to her AND others – not just “me”, but also “we perspective, how-to, differences). Service (pay attention to her! ...including looking her in the eye, taking time to anticipate and answer her questions in non-jargon terms, providing clean restrooms – indeed, clean everything). Time (don't rush her – don't come on strong to close the sale, maintain your patience and absolute credibility – if she trusts you, she'll be your customer for life AND tell others).

What's important to YOU when you shop? Let us know!

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Want to learn more about the wherefore and whys of the Woman-Centric Matters (sm) approach to doing business? Upcoming Think Tanks for homebuilders are scheduled for the following dates:

January 17 - 18, 2008 Omaha, NE

January 24 - 25, 2008 Hershey, PA

February 28 - 29, 2008 Omaha, NE

March 14, 2008 Chicago, IL

March 27 - 28, 2008 Omaha, NE

Space is limited, so you MUST call ahead to reserve your seating.


Design Basics, leading experts the nuts and bolts of becoming remarkable by marketing to women: 402-331-9223

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